
What We Do

LXD are sustainable material specialists, offering different solutions to support businesses in achieving their sustainability goals. We provide several materials to companies looking for alternative options tailored to their individual needs, and offer consultation and technical support to aid the transition. LXD are the official suppliers of LIMEX, Masterbatch, Bespoke Compounds and other sustainable materials.

Hand holding wrench


‘We help incorporate sustainable alternative materials into the conventional manufacturing process to cultivate a bespoke solution for businesses.’


‘Specialists in supplying sustainable materials across the UK & European markets through our distribution centres.’

Heart in hands


‘Provide technical support and consultations throughout the transition journey with new materials from start to finish.’

Welcome to LXD, Suppliers of LimexTM material
A circular and sustainable alternative to plastic & paper
More About Limex

Renewable Energy


Less Water


Up to 80% Less Plastic


50 Times Less Co2



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Official Partners of LIMEXTM

Testing & Validation Complete

Excellent Reputation

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Fully patented

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UK Based Customer Support

Global recycling

Material Assurance

Members of Plastic & Waste Intuitions

Customer Focused

Official Contract and Agreements with Partners in place

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UK Based Dispatch and Returns


Purchase LIMEXTM

LIMEX currently comes in two forms, pellets and sheets for multiple applications. In addition, there are various grades of LIMEX depending on the application and moulding techniques.


Plastic composite with 50-80% Limestone


Plant based (bio polyethylene) Limestone mix

LimexTM Pellets

LIMEX pellet is manufactured by pelletising, the process of moulding the molten composite into the shape of a pellet. LIMEX pellet is also manufactured by pelletizing edge waste produced through manufacturing and printing process or used LIMEX sheets collected from consumers. Since the amount of petroleum-based resin contained in conventional plastic products can be reduced, LIMEX is used as a material to “reduce plastic”.

LimexTM Sheets

LIMEX sheet is manufactured by T-die sheet extrusion of the molten composite, and stretching process controlling a porous structure in order to create whiteness and lightness. Next, specific coating agent is applied onto the surface of LIMEX sheet depending on its application, enhancing surface properties for various kinds of printing process. Stone paper and LIMEX Sheet are different products.

We offer a full turnkey solution, from supply of raw materials to finished products.

Our Values


Health & Safety

Inclusion & Diversity


Environmental Protection

Recent Projects

We are working with many organisations to bring about innovations in the plastics and papers industry and are gaining endorsements from multiple stakeholders


The Future

Accreditations & Partnerships